Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Song Day

I thought that music appreciation day was very interesting because we might not know anything about the people in our class but it made me realize how much one song cold change he way I think about a person and how much one song could mean to someone. The song that I enjoyed the most during the presentations was the song about the WWII Japanese prisoners because I felt like it was the most touching. 

Steve Jackson's visit

When Steve Jackson visited our class and gave us a lecture on truth it was interesting. It was interesting to see someone else’s point of view on truth and what truth really is. I really enjoyed it because he seemed like he knew a lot about the issue. 

Pope's visit

The coverage of the Pope’s visit was relatively good. There were many articles from different sources that helped show different points of view on issues that he had. Even though people may not be catholic the pope’s visit was beneficial in the understanding of other people.  

Extra credit PR graduate

I went and saw the panel of central graduates and I thought that it was very insightful. They talked a lot about resumes and what to put on them. They also talked about what employers are looking for when they look for new employees. I also learned that you don't necessarily have to do what your major was. 

NYT Editorial torture

This article was very insightful to me because even though it was bias it agreed with my opinions of Mr. Bush, as the author would say. He spoke a lot about wire the bad decisions that he made as well as adding in his illegal operations such as wire tapping.


Culture is a common value and group norm system, to which all members of a society agree with and abide by. It is how everyone relates to each other in different cultures with food, traditions, religion, etc.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


From CNN: New campaign finance reports show Barack Obama entered April with $51 million in the bank to mount his campaign for the White House.

From CNN: President Bush met with South Korean president to talk about nuclear weapons program.

From CNN: John McCain’s campaign sent supporters a fundraising e-mail Friday that claims Hamas approves of Democrat Barack Obama’s foreign policy vision.

From CNN: John McCain released his own tax information but did not release his wife is an heiress of a beer making company.

From CNN: Hilary Clinton made fun of her own problem solving skills on the Colbert Report this last Thursday.

From Fox News: McCain spoke about and condemned Obama’s connect with the radical activist Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

From Fox News: Obama recently stated that anyone is better than Bush when talking about John McCain.

From Fox News: The Clinton campaign is running a new PA connecting Obama to taking 2 million dollars from lobbyists.

From Fox News: “While my opponent says one thing and his campaign does another, you can count on me to tell you where I stand, and you can count on me to tell you very specifically the solutions that I offer for America,” Hilary Said when talking about Obama going negative after a bad debate.

From Fox News: John McCain claimed that cutting the taxes will boost the economy.