Sunday, April 20, 2008


From CNN: New campaign finance reports show Barack Obama entered April with $51 million in the bank to mount his campaign for the White House.

From CNN: President Bush met with South Korean president to talk about nuclear weapons program.

From CNN: John McCain’s campaign sent supporters a fundraising e-mail Friday that claims Hamas approves of Democrat Barack Obama’s foreign policy vision.

From CNN: John McCain released his own tax information but did not release his wife is an heiress of a beer making company.

From CNN: Hilary Clinton made fun of her own problem solving skills on the Colbert Report this last Thursday.

From Fox News: McCain spoke about and condemned Obama’s connect with the radical activist Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

From Fox News: Obama recently stated that anyone is better than Bush when talking about John McCain.

From Fox News: The Clinton campaign is running a new PA connecting Obama to taking 2 million dollars from lobbyists.

From Fox News: “While my opponent says one thing and his campaign does another, you can count on me to tell you where I stand, and you can count on me to tell you very specifically the solutions that I offer for America,” Hilary Said when talking about Obama going negative after a bad debate.

From Fox News: John McCain claimed that cutting the taxes will boost the economy.

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