Sunday, April 20, 2008


From Slate Magazine; Hilary’s Praise-Obama Tour; By John Dickerson:
Clinton mentions Osama’s remarks at every appearance and is even is
putting it in the middle of campaign posters. People say it is only
helping McCain assuming Obama wins the nomination.

From Slate Magazine; Big Snob Little Snob; By John Dickerson: There are
many things wrong with Obama’s remarks such at the one pointed at
small-town America “[I]t's not surprising then they get bitter, they
cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or
anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain
their frustrations.”

From USA TODAY; McCain endorses federal shield law for reporters; April
14, 2008: Monday McCain said he would support a federal shield law for
reporters. McCain told a meeting of the Associated Press that he is
"willing to invest in the press a very solemn trust that in the use of
confidential sources, you will not do more harm than good, whether it
comes to the security of the nation or the reputation of good people."

From USA Today; Slate on the Clinton marriage:
Politics=passion=permanence; By Mark Memmott and Jill Lawrence:
Henneberger concludes after much reporting that the Clintons' passion
for politics sustains their marriage and predicts they will stay
married, whether she wins or loses the Democratic nomination and the

From USA Today; Obama: 'I will never walk away from the larger point I
was trying to make'; By Jill Lawrence: "If John McCain wants to turn
this election into a contest about which party is out of touch with the
struggles and the hopes of working America, that's a debate I’m happy to
have," Obama added. "In fact, I think that's a debate we need to have.
Because I believe that the real insult to the millions of hard-working
Americans out there would be a continuation of the economic agenda that
has dominated Washington for far too long."

From TIME; Who needs a poverty Czar?; By Michael Gruwald; April 14,
2008: On the anniversary of Martin Luther Kings death Hillary Clinton
made a comment to cabinet-level poverty czar who will be "solely and
fully devoted to ending poverty as we know it in America."

From TIME; Has McCain Flip-Flopped on torture?; By Michael Scheer; April
14, 2008: Being a prisoner of war one of John McCain’s biggest issues is
torture in war. Some people think he changes his stance on the issue too

From Slate Magazine; Fair Weather Wolverine; By S.V. Date: Hilary
Clinton is counting every vote and she is urging fellow democrats to do
so too after winning Michigan.

From The Week Daily; Mocking Hilary: Both Obama and Hilary are help the
republican party by mocking each other and putting each other down so
much that if either one wins the republican will still look better.

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